12 junio 2015

Cosmog-*if the star.

When the world tells that you need to keep going. Leave behind the past and expend this year feeling how time goes. It is being so hard... I want to travel and see you. Be with you, build something beautiful, star a new adventure with someone else, because right now I am feeling so lonely... and Im just doing stupid things because my brain wants to fly and can't stop, because my heart is still alive, so hurted though. And I can't find none close who feels like I do, like you did. Maybe you are the person, my person, we are so far that I can't even guess that nothing could happen for us, to stay, every night, so close, together. And your smile, I can see it and I am long time without seeing it. Because I still remember, I do, you. Can we go back in time? Can we meet before? Can you be for me and be for you? I need hope in these days, and I don't have it around, I can't find in useless things. Can you see hope in people? Because I lost it long time ago. Again this fake smile painting this false pictures, this sad face. And now, who will see them? This guy who loves them for what? I never saw him... can he be like you? I guess, no. Please, I still do. I was feeling so high, I need this drug to live, or other drug to keep moving, I can't more... don't know what to do, don't know what to say, don't know where to go, don't know what to think. I am again, in the middle of nothing, and you are not, and I found you once, and now you are so gone. Please stay with me, because I told you once, I need you to be alive, to feel good, be my drug, my healthy drug, my way to live, my path to follow, my dream to fly, in the sky. Be you, I will be me and we together again us, again. That days, now so far, more than three are passed away... Can't imagine to forget you, to leave my heart so empty is not being possible. What do you want me to do? you were real! I can't change that, you knew me, I knew you. We both. And that strenght you gave me everyday to feel so over the rest, so strong, to be that person I want to be, the person who can help the rest because she knows what to do, she knows how to move, she knows the next step, she knows the right thing, how to enjoy, how to be happy. I wanted to be happy with you, and I still, I do. Find me other place to feel again, but don't go yet.

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